Wednesday, March 2, 2011


For those who are going to take a proficiency test like FCE, this book can be very useful: Common mistakes at First Certificate...and how to avoid them, by Susanne Tayfoor. The book shows you how to avoid mistakes in a very practical way with exercises and very objective and good grammar explanations.

A good example is the sentence below, created by me, but very similar to the one in the book:

Choose the right answer:

a) He plays soccer very good. ( )
b) He plays soccer very well. ( )

So, what is the right answer? Could you solve it? The answer is going to be published here next week, with another very good clue for your studies.

[Para aqueles que irão fazer teste de proficiência como o FCE, este livro pode ser útil, Common mistakes at First Certificate...and how to avoid them, by Susanne Tayfoor. O livro mostra como evitar erros de uma forma muito prática com exercícios e boas e objetivas explicações de gramática.

Um bom exemplo é a frase abaixo:

Escolha a alternativa certa:

a) He plays soccer very good. ( )
b) He plays soccer very well. ( )

E então, qual é a resposta certa? Conseguiu resolver? A resposta vai ser publicada aqui na semana que vem com mais uma dica de livro para os seus estudos.]

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